So the other day I did some doodles of ghosts... Halloween is right around the corner and I'm going to visit my little sister in less than 2 weeks so I was trying to think of an easy project to do with her. I imagined making a bunch of little ghosts with her.
This is my first attempt. I'm quite pleased with the result. It's the first time I used an embroidery hoop too and I thought it made the job a lot easier! I found it a lot easier to keep the proportions of things.
Anyway, I've been in need of designing a plush that I can sew wherever I happen to be... The sewing machine is not very convenient for me. I always have to bring it out of the closet, set it up on the kitchen table or the coffee table. And so I have to have the right amount of time available to get a project done from start to end and sometimes I don't have the 3-4 hrs needed.
Oh and in the background are some hexagons from a blanket I've been working on as a Christmas present. I'm actually almost done with the blanket... just haven't taken pictures up until this point... so more to see when that's done :)